Walking into Regina was a piece of cake compared to our previous walks. With just 250 km to cover (from Saskatoon to Regina) for the week and 7 of us, we decided to do just day walks and walk in two's. What more can I say, warm sunny blue skies. Wind on some days made it even better. Our first stop along the way was Davidson. We were welcomed by this Catholic family for dinner. We got probably our best ammunition from this family, a huge pro-life poster, that we could stick on the back of our RV. What a great gift! We had a great conversation about a priest from Ghana there, who assured us that Ghana is getting a lot of vocations. He seemed pretty excited about the fact that Ghana is into the 2nd round of the soccer world cup.

Our next stop was Moose Jaw. A town of about 35000 people. Apparently, the size of the town has not changed for generations! We were welcomed there by the pro-life group there. They had a bbq dinner awaiting us. We met with the head of the pro-life committee, who took us in for the night. Some hardcore pro-life people were in this group. You can tell that from the bumper stickers on their car!

We welcomed the newest member to our walking group, though he was a bit too young to walk. This was, what we eventually decided, Charlie, the cat. We met him on the way to Moose Jaw on some farm, clearly abandoned by its mother and looking pretty lonely. We fed him and took him with us to Moose Jaw. We could not have met a better person to give Charlie too. The head of the pro-life committee in Moose Jaw, who also housed us for the night. She has be taking care of cats for 50 years! She decided to either keep him, if he gets along with her other cat or give him away to some home. Either way, we were sure Charlie was safe in her care!

Our next stop, of course was Regina itself, but the whether took a turn for the worse as we were approaching Regina. We could see huge dark swirling clouds. Probably some of the strangest whether I have ever seen. The streets of Regina was flooded yesterday from heavy thunderstorms and rain. I with another walker was caught in some heavy rain and hail for about 10 minutes. We were soaked! God had another plan for us. We stayed at the St. Michael's retreat center. It actually hailed huge chunks of ice, when we got there. The biggest hail, I have ever seen. We were fortunate to have a roof over our heads and our very thankful to the OFM's that allowed us to stay in the center for the night.

Today, we were welcomed by sunny blue skies. A sharp contrast from yesterday! We walked right into and past downtown Regina. The reaction from Regina was by far the most we have got on our trip. I am happy to report that majority of the reaction was pro-life. That being said, we did get double-fingered, double-booed and yelled at that "You don't have rights to my body". With over 800 abortions in Regina alone last year, there clearly is a lot to be done. However, a clear pro-life majority response, leads us to believe that Regina is more pro-life than pro-choice. Today, we also met up with former seminarian Lucio, who took us out to his family's Japanese restaurant. We also went out to dinner with Bob, who has taken the responsibility of organizing everything for the walkers here in Regina. We are very grateful for all their help. Without these people to feed and house us for the weekends, this would have been a much tougher battle. That's it for now. More action to follow as we talk in the coming days in the diocese of Regina. Should be exciting! Keep praying for us!
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