Sunday, June 6, 2010

Catholics in Calgary

We started the day of going to various parishes around Calgary to distribute our pro-life material. I went to St. Joseph's where I was permitted to give two talks. People were really generous there. The assistant pastor who celebrated the mass was from India, so we had a nice conversation about our roots. After two good masses at St. Joseph's I was picked up and we were invited to have brunch at this Catholic family's place who knew two of the members of our team. Their 6 year daughter had the sweetest smile! The father was a software engineer so it was great to get a feel for how the tech industry currently is! What impressed me about their house the most is the number of devotional pictures that they had. They had this huge calender with a picture of a saint for the particular saint's feast day. After the brunch we had a bit of down time to count the money from the morning masses. Part of the crew left for the early evening masses. The night walk crew left for Fernie, which was where we stopped our walk. I together with 2 others did the 7:30 PM mass at St. Luke's. Here we met up with Impact Calgary, part of a CCO mission that goes on over the summer. We were invited to share what we are doing at one of their events, Cornerstone, on Tuesday. There will be over 200 young adults at this event! After 7:30 mass, we went to an ex-seminarians, Greg Woodard's house for dinner. What a wonderful huge Catholic family. 10 kids! We prayed the rosary together with them and shared our vocation stories with the family. We also got to hear some of their life stories too. I have an early start & a long walk tomorrow. I better get going to bed. Adios! Oh, one more thing. There are tons of jackrabbits in Calgary. Those animals are the cutest things ever!

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