Thursday, June 3, 2010

Marching forward to the Kootneys

The last few days have been really busy. During the weekend we were hosted with some really hospitable people in Summerland. We talked at parishes in Kelowna and Summerland. People were really generous and supportive at St. Charles Garnier. Not so much at Immaculate conception, mainly because we were setup outside. We met this Korean couple who owned a motel right outside the summerland chuch. They were so amazed by what we were doing that they treated all of us including the local priest to a pool side bbq lunch. Later that evening we had adoration, dinner and a discussion with the youth group in Summerland. It was great to share with the youth what we were doing. On Tuesday we joined some people outside the Kelowna hospital where they do abortions. We were treated to a lunch there by the Kelowna right for life society. Much thanks to their generosity. Another cool thing that happened when we went for mass in Summerland was we met up with an ex-seminarian who just got ordained, namely father Edwin Kulling. He concelebrated the daily mass with us and preached a wonderful short sermon. He gave us all a special blessing and blessed our whole RV with holy water. What a blessing to get a brand new priest to bless our RV. Who needs bullet proof windows when you got a brand new priest to bless your RV!

On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and today we did some intense walking both day and night which took us from Princeton right through the towns of Grand Forks, Castlegar and now in Creston. We attended masses in each of those towns. It was neat to see the style of churches in each of those towns and the history of the towns. Today we stayed at an RV park owned by some devout Catholic Koreans. They treated us to a wonderful Korean dinner. All in all the walk has been quite tiring, especially the night walks. We walk in rain and lightening. We are terriefied of bears despite the safety equipment. However it is all worth it knowing we are speaking and walking for the unborn. We are using our lives to spare those whose life might be snuffed out. Got to rush for the night walk. Bye for now.

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